Voices of Foster Care

Voices of Foster Care

Oct 09, 2020

“VOICES OF FOSTER CARE”: A 4-week speech course leading to an oratory exhibition featuring young people who are aging out or have recently aged out of  foster care.

It is said that Public Speaking is the #1 fear of humankind. Even more frightening is POOR COMMUNICATION!  The inability to communicate effectively can define your entire existence. As small children, when we are unable to communicate, we throw tantrums and cry. As adults, when we are unable to communicate effectively, we make mistakes that can be devastating and irreversible. Through our intensive program, we will hammer home the communications skills our youth need to speak effectively in both public and private life. At HIP we believe oration is among the most essential skills necessary for achieving quality and fruitful human relations and for reaching educational and career goals. The power of speech can move men to war and to peace; to love or to hate. The words we say and how we speak them to family and friends, coworkers and enemies can define our futures.

Help us with this Historical Oratorical in Atlanta, GA.

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