This Quiz is On U

This Quiz is On U

May 24, 2023

This Quiz Is On U
All the answers in this quiz start with the letter U…is that so unusual?


1. What can be an element of military clothing or something which remains the same in all cases and at all times, unchanging in form of character?

2. Not including the background to his bat emblem, what was the only yellow item worn by batman in the original series and films?

3. Which English rock band of the 60s and 70s was named after the unctuous villain in Charles Dickens’ novel, ‘David Copperfield’?

4. What part of a toilet and waste-water system prevents unpleasant odours and gasses from rising through the pipework by holding water at its lowest part as a barrier?

5. The UFC is a mixed martial arts company based in Las Vegas and was founded in 1993. What does UFC stand for?

6. The U-Boats were the deadly submarines of the German Navy during WWII, but what did the U stand for in the German language?

7. The Star Trek universe uses USS as a prefix for all the Federation spacecraft, but what does USS stand for?

8. Which port village, founded in 1788 as a herring port, is located on the East shore of Loch Broom in the Scottish Highlands?

9. What word is defined as meaning ‘…existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time’ and is derived from the Latin word, ‘everywhere’?

10. Which mountain range separates the East European and West Siberian Plains and is considered part of the Eurasian Steppe?


................................................ANSWERS BELOW..............................



1. What can be an element of military clothing or something which remains the same in all cases and at all times, unchanging in form of character?

2. Not including the background to his bat emblem, what was the only yellow item worn by batman in the original series and films?

3. Which English rock band of the 60s and 70s was named after the unctuous villain in Charles Dickens’ novel, ‘David Copperfield’?

4. What part of a toilet and waste-water system prevents unpleasant odours and gasses from rising through the pipework by holding water at its lowest part as a barrier?

5. The UFC is a mixed martial arts company based in Las Vegas and was founded in 1993. What does UFC stand for?

6. The U-Boats were the deadly submarines of the German Navy during WWII, but what did the U stand for in the German language?

7. The Star Trek universe uses USS as a prefix for all the Federation spacecraft, but what does USS stand for?
In Star Trek The Original Series (TOS) it stood for UNITED SPACE SHIP but as the Star Trek universe fleshed out it became UNITED STAR SHIP
Either answer will get you a point
(In the US Navy it stands for United States Ship)

8. Which port village, founded in 1788 as a herring port, is located on the East shore of Loch Broom in the Scottish Highlands?

9. What word is defined as meaning ‘…existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time’ and is derived from the Latin word, ‘everywhere’?
UBIQUITOUS (The Latin word for everywhere is ubique)

10. Which mountain range separates the East European and West Siberian Plains and is considered part of the Eurasian Steppe?


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