About you section 1 of 3

About you section 1 of 3

May 01, 2022

This is all about you, you need to know yourself first and by following this you will not only understand you, but also appreciate what it takes to become free.

Be absolutely honest with yourself as the only person you have to deal with is you there are no wrong answers, opinions or actions as it is all just for you.

To add to this, the outcomes and results are yours and yours alone, but could also benefit your loved ones and your future self.

Some questions, I have broken this into three separate posts just to break it up

At this point, it would be worth writing down your answers for future reference, as I will be putting my thoughts against each one in turn over the coming weeks and I think you may be surprised, my thoughts and personal opinions are here, but don't cheat answer the questions first.

More about me here

1. Where do all your sources of income come from, include any side hustles (we all need a side hustle)

2. How much do you think you need to be financially free?

3. How much time do you spend researching your next new smart phone, car TV, computer, tablet, cooker, washing machine, broadband provider and everything else you spend money on (This is a very important question as you will find out later)

4. What hobbies, passions and interests do you have?

5. What are you looking for, what do you think you want, be specific don't just answer a million pounds?

6. Following on from question 5 the big question is why do you want it and being specific what do you think it is going to do for you?

7. Do you gamble and enjoy the excitement and thrill of a win, and don't mention your losses (or at least are you economical with the truth) can you handle a loss

I think that is more than enough for now.

This process is a journey and by being achieved in bite size pieces you are more likely to follow the path and stick to your own plan.

This will become evident as we move through this together and as part of the Financial Freedom team.

Section 2 here and Section 3 here

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