Goodbye 2021... Welcome 2022!!

Goodbye 2021... Welcome 2022!!

Dec 28, 2021

Wow- so much has happened this year, and I am grateful for all the great times I've had. But, there's a reason why rearview mirrors are small: they're only for you to glance back at the past - not for you to get stuck in "shoulda, woulda, coulda."

Looking forward to 2022,

I've set some goals for myself and how I'll achieve them... Why? Because it's not enough to have just a destination in mind, but also a way to get there. Especially if you've never been there before!!

One of my goals is to become a certified Life Coach. And, while there is currently no laws in the US requiring me to become certified through an accredited school, I do wish to learn how to become an effective Life Coach and actually know what I'm doing.

Look for my YouTube video talking about setting goals to be posted on Tuesday, January 4th. New videos every Tuesday! Just search @IrishBOBSister.

If you'd like to support me along that road, I'd greatly appreciate it!! That's why I started my profile here on Buy Me A Coffee.

Please be sure to check back here as well as on YouTube throughout the year. Every once in a while we'll take a look, see where we're at as we work towards our goals together.

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