Tali Zorah: The Quarian

Tali Zorah: The Quarian

Jun 22, 2021

Another character from the video game world! MASS EFFECT: LEGENDARY launched a number of weeks ago, and it took me back to my earliest days of graduate school when I'd spend my snow days bundled up and saving the galaxy from the Reapers. These games were a blast for a number of reasons--the huge roster that could change in a blink depending on your decisions, the way you could customize your player, and the fact that your every move would stick with you and be imported into future games. All the while, I remember being glad that Tali Zorah stuck with me through the full trilogy. I was never one of the lucky ones who got to see her take her helmet off, but perhaps some things should stay a mystery.

Cheers to Tali Zorah, one of the most loyal crew members of the Normandy!

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