SMLIAG Chapter 29 - How his parents met

SMLIAG Chapter 29 - How his parents met

May 19, 2023

Duke Nike Cardia raised the teacup with an elegant gesture.

She continued to drink tea but did not speak to Rosenta. He also drank his tea in silence.

The tea that had been poured into the cup gradually began to decrease.

Even the steam rising from the teacup was no longer visible.

That’s how much time had passed with nothing being said.

It seemed like she would leave without saying anything.

When his patience ran out, Rosenta spoke first.

“Duke Cardia.”

At his call, Nike’s orange eyes stared at him.

And soon, her eyes, made up with black makeup, began to form sharp curves.

Nike’s features darkened and didn’t leave a good impression.

However, she answered him with a gaze and voice that was friendlier than anyone else’s.

“Yes, Duke Estella.”

“May I ask why you came here to see me?”

“I wanted to see you before the banquet started. I wanted to see how the child I once met grew up and what kind of duke they’d become. It’s just my curiosity.”

‘Did she come here just to see my face?’

That wasn’t a bad thing.

It could be that her friendly tone was genuine.

Maybe she really was here because she was curious about how the young Rosenta had grown up.

Whatever the reason, this was fun.

“How do you think I grew up?”

At his question, Nike raised an eyebrow. It was as though she was looking at a very cute nephew.

She then gave him an unexpected answer.

“You look exactly like Jane.”

Jane Veronica. It had been a long time since he’d heard his mother’s name.


“I’m glad you don’t look like that son of a bitch, Caligo. Exceedingly glad.”

This was the first time Rosenta had been told this.

Everyone told him that he looked exactly like the previous Duke, Caligo.

When he first met his father, the resemblance was to the point of thinking that he was taken from the same mold as his father.

This was new.

And he became curious.

How did Nike Cardia know his mother? Even to the point of calling her by name.


“Jane was my maid before she came here. She was a pretty child who had been a close friend since childhood…. of course, then she fell for him”

It was a pretty amazing story.

The fact that his mother used to live in the Cardia Duchy.

And left the person who cared for her so much after meeting a man like his father.

Nike’s story was not over. She continued speaking in a mocking voice.

“As you know, the Cardia Duchy has engaged in trade with the Estella Duchy for generations.”

‘As I know?’

Rosenta had no idea.

He just thought there was some moderate interaction between his family and the Cardia family.

However, he managed his reaction and quietly continued listening to Nike’s story.

“When I was next in line to lead my family, Caligo, who was the heir to the Estella Duchy, visited Silva for four months.

“It was four months?”

“Having a crush on a gut like Caligo. No matter how good looking he is, there’s no reason to love him……”

Nike frowned and clicked her tongue briefly.


Even though Caligo’s child was sitting right in front of her, she continued swearing at him without hiding her feelings.

No, she didn’t seem to want to hide it.

It was surprising, but not particularly shocking.

When she was still alive, Rosenta’s mother had told him that his father was dead but, when she talked about him, she always looked like a girl in love.

No matter how trash he was, his mother loved him. That’s why Rosenta didn’t want to dismiss his mother’s past choices.

As soon as his curiosity was satisfied, he wanted to ask something else instead.

He had been quietly looking for the right time to ask.

And when Nike seemed to feel comfortable again, he slowly opened his mouth.

“I have a question.”

Nike’s orange gaze was fixed on him.

Facing that gaze directly, he brought up his question without any attempt to filter.

“What has the Estella family needed from Silva for all these generations? What have we been trading?”

At his question, Nike’s orange eyes automatically widened. It was the expression of someone who had heard an unexpected question.

She firmly put down the teacup in her hands.

The teacup collided with the saucer, creating a sharp crashing sound.

The corner of Nike’s mouth trembled. It was a face that was barely containing its anger.

“Oh my god. Weren’t you told anything? That’s why the duke hasn’t come to Silva, let alone contacted me.”

Nike’s warm eyes, which had been looking at Rosenta, turned cold with frustration.

Even so, she reliably answered the questions Rosenta was curious about.

“Caligo visited Silva personally every few years.”

It was true. This was also something Rosenta remembered.

His father had been away several times each year while visiting Silva.

He nodded and continued listening to Nike.

“As you know, Silva has the resources, combined with my ability, to grow many plants. So, the materials that we have come to share all this time…..”

Rosenta completed Nike’s sentence.

“It must be a plant.”

‘Such a special plant that she doesn’t want to reveal it to everyone.’

Perhaps I had something to do with the Estella family’s ability. For example, poison or something cursed.

Nike nodded to confirm that his guess was correct.

“You’re correct.”

She had been calm for a while but her voice, filled with anger, once again filled the room.

Her anger seemed to boil over again.

“He didn’t know when he’d die, but how could he neglect to teach his child these things!?”

Nike’s swearing was directed at Rosenta’s father, who was no longer in this world.

“You damn son of a bitch!”

Rosenta slowly lifted the cup in front of him as he drank while listening to her curse his father.

He felt no emotions. Theirs wasn’t a father-daughter relationship strong with affectionate feelings, to begin with.

He just wanted to get more information from Nike.

“Could you give me some information about the things my father has received thus far?”

At his question, Nike’s eyes slowly sank.

Pushing back her orange bangs, Nike quickly put her emotions to rest and calmly answered, “I’ll let you know.”


As he’d felt throughout the conversation, Nike seemed to be looking at him like a nephew.

It wasn’t a look of love.

It was a gaze full of longing, as though she was looking at the child of an old friend.

He didn’t like it.

To start, there was a large age gap between them. He was young enough to be her son and she was someone who shared memories with his mother.

‘If my mother had gone back to Silva, I would have been working for the Duke of Cardia.’

‘However…..There’s nothing wrong with making friends with other dukes.’

He would be able to get information and assistance in times of crisis.

“The sun is starting to go down. The husbands who’ve accompanied me are also starting to worry. I should go now.”

Rosenta had sent Enoch to greet her, but he would personally see her off.

Nike got on a chair-style carriage* that was reminiscent of the Joseon Dynasty.

*[A chair carried by servants is called a palanquin.]

“It was fun Duke Estella.”

“I also enjoyed myself. See you next time at the banquet.”

They spoke briefly.

The palanquin hadn’t been lifted yet, so there was no discomfort as they spoke.

“I would like to send you a gift in return for telling me so many wonderful stories. If you tell me how many husbands you have, I will send the appropriate number of gifts.”

“I don’t have too many husbands.”

Nike stroked the head of the man who was squatting next to her while she replied.

The man looked like a poodle, and like a poodle, he rubbed his cheek against Nike’s hand, seeking affection.

“There are only five of us so far.”

‘So far?’

Even though it was a short sentence, it felt like a sentence that was difficult to understand using his common sense.

‘Silva really is free regarding matters of marriage.’ Rosenta shook his head at that thought.


Suddenly, Nike turned her gaze to the other side.

The place where her orange eyes landed was in Enoch’s direction. He had been by Rosenta’s side like a shadow.

Then she began to praise Enoch.

“The Duke has a very good eye. I only saw him briefly, but he was a very good butler.”

“…..Thank you.”

Everyone praised Enoch’s ability as a butler.

However, since Rosenta knew Enoch’s true identity, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He could only barely smile.

Without him knowing how she interpreted his smile, Nike’s wrinkles deepened.

She looked back and forth between Rosenta and Enoch, observing something she felt was interesting.

“It makes me greedy.”

Rosenta almost said, “Please take him with you.”

But, before the words could escape, he closed his mouth and clenched his fists.

‘Did my expression look serious?’

Nike had a strange smile on her face that seemed to flutter.

Then, she slowly lowered her upper body.

Rosenta heard Nike’s soft, quiet voice in his ears.

“But looking at my opponent’s passionate gaze, I can’t recklessly covet him. I am not interested in other people’s flowers.”

“What was that… ….. !?”

It sounded like there was a misunderstanding.

‘It’s not like that.’ He tried to explain to her that he was not a homosexual.

But Nike was faster.

Before he could open his mouth, she pressed her finger to his lips.

Then, Nike whispered in his ear once again in a small voice so that others could not hear.

“It’s okay. Polygamy is very common in Silva.”


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