Follow my #buildinpublic journey

Follow my #buildinpublic journey

May 06, 2022

Hi Everyone,

My name is Joshua Berrios, I am a Video Creator by day and a Full-Stack Web Developer by night. I reside in the good ol' Midwest (Lincoln, NE to be exact) with my wife, 2 kids (soon to be 3), and a cute little black fluffy pomeranian.

Since graduating as a Full-Stack Web Developer from devCodeCamp, I have not really sat down and built anything concrete. I have just been learning more and more to keep my skills sharpened and also gain new ones.

Just this week, my wife inspired me to build a family calendar app that "doesn't suck" (exact words from my wife.) So I accepted her inspiring challenge and I will be building in public, this family calendar app that doesn't suck. The code name of the app is "Awesome Family Calendar", I know pretty original right?!

If you are an indie developer, founder/builder, or SaaS maker, I will be building in public via MakerLog.

If you are just an average joe that is just getting into coding, wanting to see my build progress, and also learn from experience, I will be posting here, on my Twitter, and most likely documenting via my Hashnode blog as well.

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