About my Canadian Improv bee

About my Canadian Improv bee

Mar 18, 2021

I have to started a Canadian Improv Sewing Bee. You can find the work of this past years participants on Instagram by following the hashtag #canadianimprovbee or #improvnorth.

What is a Sewing bee, you may ask? 
Each month a single member leads the group. At the beginning of the month they will post their prompt on Instagram, tagging their bee mates.  Members then have a month to complete and send the blocks. Once those blocks are received they become the building blocks for a finished quilt.  The prompts may be personally difficult or challenging, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and have some frank discussions.

This bee is based and inspired by the Beesewical group and these guild come from an article titled #beesewcial from Curated Quilts Issue 5 - Improv 
We have very few rules, but here they are:

· This is an Improv bee. You must create your blocks using any improv technique you choose
· Solid fabrics (if a special fabric or hard to find colour is requested, you may send out to bee members ahead of time)· The standard block size is 12.5" X 24.5 or the equivalate of. So the the monthly leader could ask for that, or a 1 - 20.5 sq, or 6 - 6.5 block. We want people to ask for the whatever size, shape they want. I just wanted to put some kind of standard to it.
· When it is your month you must post your theme on Instagram.
· You must post your completed blocks on Instagram.
· You must tag all of your bee mates and use the hashtag #improvnorth, #improvnortheh, #improvnorthbee and/or #canadianimprovbee·  Members must communicate well· Blocks should be sent on time. (We know life happens. Communicate with the monthly leader if something comes up)

To communicate your vision, you may choose to share a completed block, photographs, written work, even songs to steer the resulting work in the direction of your vision. Instructions on materials such as colour, alternative solids (silks, linen etc) construction technique (handwork, applique), and size expectations need to be stated clearly. Each designer is free to be more or less restrictive, as long as there is still considerable room for creativity.
Here is an example of what would be expected of the leader every month.

Lately I have been inspired by flowers. I love their rich colours and vibrancy. Flowers can be such a delight to one's senses. I would love to create a quilt with that same feeling. I have chosen light grey, pinks and a touch of green as my color palette. You can make many small blocks or one large block, just as long as you have about the equivalent of a 12.5" X 24.5" block.

Have fun! I can’t wait to see what you all come up with. Canadian Improv bee mates post with improvnorth, #improvnortheh, #improvnorthbee, #improvnorthsew and/or #canadianimprovbee

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