What 2020 has taught me

What 2020 has taught me

Dec 27, 2020

2020 has been one hell of a year right?! It would be fair to say that it's probably the most challenging year many of us have had, with many scary moments to say the least. Now behind every struggle there's a lesson to be learned. So I have learned quite a bit this year, once I think about it. 

1st lesson, you can't let circumstances get in the way of your dreams. I came super close to abandoning my dreams several times this year. The negative self talk got to me, meanwhile a lot of other people who were able to stay home used this as an opportunity. I was bitter because I wasn't able to stay home I am an essential worker, who never even got a few weeks of unemployment that I could've used to create my new EP. I wasted so much time feeling bitter, instead of feeling grateful for having work and being able to deliver people their food or give them a ride.

2nd lesson, there will never be a perfect time to pursue your dreams. There will always be something, some sort of challenge or obstacle. The road won't suddenly become clear for you one day and you can't sit around and wait for it, because it will never happen. It if it was easy, then it wouldn't be worthwhile. So many times I told myself, "oh when I have more money, oh when I have more time, I will really work on my music dreams". If you keep waiting on the perfect circumstances, you'll die waiting. So take life horns by horns, for you only have now.

3rd lesson, be flexible and grateful for the little things. If we don't practice gratitude and becoming flexible with life we'll go crazy. Things won't always go to plan, so you need to adjust and roll with the punches. When it seems like nothing is going your way and you don't have a lot of control, focus on the little things you can be grateful for. Things such as taking a walk on a beautiful day! Hearing the birds sing. Watching your dog or your kids play and the joy it brings them. Taking a moment to smell the flowers or blossoms. Maybe it's still having a roof over your head, having friends, family, etc.

With 2021 on the horizon, I hope you also have found some good lessons that came out of 2020 and will use them to make 2021  a much better year for yourself and others. 


Jiana Wessel

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