What's On My Mind #34

What's On My Mind #34

Mar 06, 2022


What's On My Mind is a weekly newsletter where I share some of my thoughts, stories, and ideas to raise awareness; enable personal growth; nourish an open mind; encourage self-discovery; and empowering myself and others with individual responsibility.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I hope you find them of any use.

Enrich your life

Enriching your life means making your life as fulfilling, meaningful, and filled with joy as possible. One can go through life without ever exploring the world, asking hard questions, or taking risks--but is that really living? There’s no one trick to enriching your life, as there are many ways you can take to have new experiences. Here are some ideas others have, although they are just a starting-off point in a wide, amazing journey.

  1. Gain experience

  • Take risks

  • Introduce yourself to strangers

  • Appreciate a different culture

  • Develop a new hobby

  • Challenge yourself

  • Read more

  • Chase after knowledge

  • Spend less time following other people’s experiences on social media

  1. Develop enriching habits

  • Forgive people

  • Get rid of toxic friends

  • Take better care of yourself

  • Slow down

  • Volunteer

  • Create less waste

  • Show your friends and family how much you care

  1. Enriching your perspective

  • Be patient with yourself

  • Show more gratitude

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  • Quit caring what people think

  • Be less of a perfectionist

  • Focus on the journey

  • Find your purpose

Teachings & Insights
The art of peace - page 52

Those who are enlightened never stop forging themselves. The realizations of such masters cannot be expressed well in words or by theories. The most perfect actions echo the patterns found in nature.

Video - Principles for dealing with the changing world order
A great video about the big cycles of world orders. In my opinion a must see video to understand the current changes we are witnessing in the world. Knowing what is going on, and why, can give you some peace of mind and tools how to deal with the upcoming changes.


Quote(s) to contemplate
“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”- Leo Tolstoy, Family Happiness

Fundamentals - curiousity, thought, breath, water, nutrition, nature, rest, movement, relationships.
Curiosity stream - The global entertainment brand for people who want to know more.

Curiosity is one of the strongest forces on Earth. It drives humanity to look beyond the horizon. With that in mind, it steers technological developments and pushes entire societies towards a certain perspective. I would even venture to say that our well-being is directly linked to our degree of curiosity and the way in which we can express it. Just as a flower needs the sun to grow, our overall well-being needs curiosity. Once we have found something that arouses our curiosity, we have something to do. Something to seek out, work towards, discover or develop. Something that we can eventually pass on to the next generation, something to live for. This process gives us a sense of purpose.

While looking for new ways to spark my curiosity I came across curiositystream and nebula. Both paid services providing great content. Curiosity stream is more a netflix style with great docu's and nebula is more a Youtube style of service without all the anoying stuff ;).

Ryan talks about a simple tip that could improve your life.


Did you know...
The word school comes from the Greek word skholē. The original meaning of skholē was "leisure". To the Greeks it seemed natural that one's leisure should be spent learning and thinking. Skholē therefore came to mean not only "leisure" but also a "a place for learning".

Thank you for your spending your valuable time on reading this newsletter. Your support is much appreciated.

Joey van Tilburg

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