flaw prof quadratic

flaw prof quadratic

Nov 16, 2022

To be honest, I wasn't going to do it. I wasn't going to mention a word about an event which I'd normally love, but not this year. For obvious reasons.

But I'm also in the business of collating information and putting it in plain – usually boring! – formats, without any bells & whistles, and principles such as boycotts sadly don't pay my bills, whereas payments and donations for stuff I share do help me out in that sense.

So here's a partial screenshot of the thing I made, and if you want the PDF of this, which neatly puts the entire tournament's schedule on one A4 – without distracting branding or advertising – for you to print & take your marker to highlight the dates and times that matter to you (be it to enjoy or avoid them), you can download it here.

After that, it's entirely up to you whether you want to, but... you can then (a) send me a few quid right here on Buymeacoffee; (b) take a moment to support a human rights organisation such as Amnesty or Human Rights Watch; (c) do neither of the aforementioned, because you are busy enough as it is with little to no time or money left to yourself. Any of these is fine; please don't feel obliged or guilty in any way.

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