5 Things to Do to Overcome Writers Block ...

5 Things to Do to Overcome Writers Block

Jun 01, 2022

Why am I Stuck with My Writing?

About 7 years ago I discussed about writers block or creative block in what I called then in my podcast. This was some of my earlier podcasts. Since then I have grown. I have learned and lived writers block and as much as I have been knocked down in the past, I got back up with writers block. Writers block happens to the best of us. I wrote in a blog for Joes Writers Club and I said,

"Many times confidence could be lost by looking at a blank screen and you struggle with writing even those very words."

I come to learn a lot through the years and I could help you with giving you a list of 5 things to do to help with writers block.

5 Things to Do to Help with Writers Block

  1. Journaling: What I find has helped me has been journaling my notes on paper. It doesn't have to be organized and it could be a good way to get your ideas on paper without putting much effort into it. Journaling is a good way to look back at your ideas later and it can give you an idea of what to write next. You can journal your dreams from the night before. It has been said that Stephen King came up with his Misery book through a dream. Also, you could put notes from other books that you could quote later. This may be easier to come up with ideas with.

  2. Outlining: What I found most effective with my writing after I jot my notes down is outlining. Even if I sketch down my ideas and plan what I am going to do next in my book or blog. I'll have an idea and write it down. Some feel this is a good format to have with writing. My outline may not be polished, but it is a good idea to have.

  3. Pushing Yourself to Do it:

    Joseph Evaldi said in his podcast 7 years ago that, "Didn't feel like doing, but pushed yourself forward to do it."

    In otherwords, I meant to say you have to push yourself to do it even when you don't want to. It can be habit forming. The more that you are comfortable with your writing the easier it will become.

  4. Read Daily: It doesn't matter what you read. You could read books, the newspaper, magazines, and even read with your Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet. You could read many books and some at a good deal. Reading can keep your mind going and you never know when you will come up with the next big book idea or blog idea.

  5. Start Small: Sometimes with a Writing Prompt or an exercise it could help a little. You could write one word down and see where it goes. Sometimes you have to start small to eventually work on the bigger stuff later. Small steps can lead to your destination.

A Final Note on Overcoming Writers Block

As writer you face these times where you lose your passion and are blocked writing wise. However, don't get discouraged following these tips, your writing can help. These are just suggestions that have helped me through the years. And once you keep at it you will enjoy the work you have done.

In the Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson, he writes about Charles Bukowski who kept at his art even when things got rough. He may have been poor, but it didn't stop him with his art he worked it even when some of his work was garbage he thought. This is the attitude to have as a writer. Sometimes you have to move forward to persue your dreams even when you don't have much to say or when others might not think it is good. Eventually, your writing will get better and you won't be blocked.

#JosephEvaldi, #CharlesBukowski, #StephenKing, #WritersBlock, #Journaling

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