Part 2-5 techniques narcissist use to ma ...

Part 2-5 techniques narcissist use to manipulate

May 03, 2022

Part Two - Here are 5 techniques narcissist use to manipulate:

1. Name Calling - They will often resort to cruel and harsh name calling to make themselves feel superior.

2. Brainwashing - They are skilled at convincing you that everything you believe is wrong, including your core values and moral codes.

3. Projection & Scapegoating - They will never admit that they are wrong, they're always right; therefore, they will find a way to blame others for their errors.

4. Aggression - This can be expressed in many forms: explosive rage, passive-aggression, deliberate neglect, silent treatment, or sarcasm.

5. Monopolizing Conversations - They tend not to have an interest in anyone except themselves for that reason they will seldomly, if ever, ask you questions or listen to what you have to share.

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💖Love Karla, Coach & NGH Certified Hypnotist

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