Digging Up Old Stuff

Mar 27, 2022

Moving to a smaller space has provided plenty of opportunity (read: absolute need) to filter through all of our possessions and clean out the inventory. Boxes of forgotten things, some damaged, some just not needed or wanted anymore. It adds a new layer of emotions to an already emotional time of transition. I've always had a fear of being a hoarder, but have a sentimental nature.

Finding a few items that I was pretty proud of has been a nice reward for all of the work I've put in as well as a small lift in the artist's block I've been suffering. The time and energy drain of setting up our new home as well as the financial drain has left me with soup-for-brains. Hopefully I'll power through the rest of the excess stuff and get back to creating more!

After this post, I think I'll get back to organizing my new craft closet.

Excuse the rough pictures 😅

Visit msha.ke/Karmakazidesign to see all my stuff.

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