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  • Access to all premium pages. Find poems by reading level, topic, poetic technique, and length

  • No advertisements on the website

  • A free copy of my ebook The Elephant Repairman

  • Direct message me any time through the Buy Me a Coffee app

  • Connect with me via a members-only email address

  • Discounts on Extras

  • Support Poetry4kids on a monthly basis



  • All the benefits of the Fan level, plus...

  • Early access to new poems, recordings, lessons, videos and blog posts before they appear on Poetry4kids

  • Two more free ebooks: The Armpit of Doom and The Biggest Burp Ever

  • Access to all poems on the website, organized by book



  • All the benefits of the Fan and Cheerleader levels, plus...

  • Two additional free ebooks: My Cat Knows Karate and My Dog Likes to Disco

  • Two free, fully-produced audiobooks: My Hippo Has the Hiccups and The Tighty-Whitey Spider

  • Monthly LIVE, interactive, online member meetups during the school year, including poetry readings, Q&A, and more.



  • All the benefits of the Booster, Cheerleader, and Fan levels, plus...

  • One free online author visit for your class each school year. (A US$325 value.)

  • Free and early access to all future ebooks and audiobooks

  • This level of support helps me create new animated videos and fully-produced audiobooks