JavaFX Mouse Events

JavaFX Mouse Events

Nov 13, 2021

JavaFX Mouse Events Tutorial

JavaFX Mouse Events are used to handle mouse events. The MouseEvents works when you Clicked, Dragged, or Pressed and etc.  An object of the MouseEvent class represents a mouse events. This tutorial is ideal for learning as a beginner, but if you are an experienced programmer, you can continue reading and learning more.

Types of Mouse Events in JavaFX

  • ANY – This mouse event type is known as the supertype of all mouse event types. If you want your node to receive all types of events. This event type would be used for your handlers.

  • MOUSE_PRESSED – When you press a mouse button, this event is triggered. The MouseButton enum defines three constants that represent a mouse button: NONE, PRIMARY, and SECONDARY. The MouseEvent class’s getButton() method returns the mouse button that is responsible for the event.

  • MOUSE_RELEASED – The event is triggered if you pressed and released a mouse button in the same node.

  • MOUSE_CLICKED – This event will occur when you pressed and released a node.

  • MOUSE_MOVED – Simply move your mouse without pressing any mouse buttons to generate this type of mouse event.

  • MOUSE_ENTERED – This event occurs when the mouse or cursor enters the target node.

  • MOUSE_EXITED – This event occurs when the mouse or cursor leaves or moved outside the target node.

  • MOUSE_DRAGGED – This event occurs when you move the mouse with a pressed mouse button to a target node.

Examples here

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