Kernow Damo
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Starmer’s Labour now being funded by Sou ...

Starmer’s Labour now being funded by South African apartheid?

Jun 11, 2023

Right so Labour’s finances have been dire for a while, Starmer having chased away ordinary, enthusiastic members, by choice or by purge as he sets out his party to be one utterly supportive of the Israeli apartheid regime, he blew all the cash Corbyn had left him in reserves, but he didn’t care, he’s the heir to Tony Blair, bring on the donors, this is a Labour leader for sale to the highest bidder again. He’s also as we’ve seen this week reminding us that he’s a Zionist without qualification, Ready and willing to do the bidding of right wing pro-Israel types like the Board of Deputies of British Jews, who thought arrogantly that they could make demands to call out Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, now deciding after 44 years, that his rock opera The Wall is antisemitic too, all because Waters is of course overtly pro-Palestinian. Starmer of course leapt to their side, producing a letter that on the face of it crosses the boundaries of the libellous. So a man in need of cash for his party and utterly beholden to the Israeli apartheid state, has just found a donor who ticks both of those boxes, a man who knows a thing or two about apartheid. The chap in question is vehicle glass repair and replacement magnate Gary Lubner, CEO of the global umbrella company for such auto repair work Belron, itself an arm of a bigger company, PG Group, who own Autoglass here in the UK and Belron, having been founded in South Africa in the late 1800s, played a huge roll in the apartheid years through the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in that country. Lubner himself joined the police force in South Africa during that time, acting on behalf of the white supremacist regime running the country, presumably meting out the brutality that regime became known for, so much so that sanctions and embargoes were applied to that country, sanctions that Belron itself was instrumental in busting throughout the apartheid years there, a company where by the 1980s Lubner was working as an accountant for. An example of this is the acquisition of Autoglass by the company in 1983, Thatcher having no qualms about them purchasing a British company of course. A police officer turned accountant though? A bit strange, but not necessarily when for one and most importantly he was white and for two his father and uncle were bosses at the company, his grandfather had been as well before them. Wealth followed, he became a personal donor to that ruling National Party, funding the apartheid movement. Of course that all came to an end of course, but Lubner’s career only grew, becoming CEO of Belron himself in 2000. His apparent fondness for backing apartheid has meant he’s gone on to funding United Jewish Israel Appeal, a lobby group with close ties to the Israeli state, the state itself having been longstanding recipients of donations from the Lubners. All of this has been denied by spokespeople of the Lubners of course, however it’s a bit of an unfortunate coincidence that news has now dropped that Gary Lubner is funding Keir Starmer’s Labour to the tune of $6m going into the next election because Lubner wants Starmer to be in power for a very long time. Lubner has already given more than a million to Labour now. So we have a guy who has funded two apartheid regimes, funding a party led by a man who is a self declared Zionist without qualification and we’re supposed to believe he's anti apartheid? Why back a party led by someone who clearly isn’t then, he’s as pro-Israel as you get? The fact of the matter is Starmer needs the cash and those with vested interests in Israel need their man in place. Starmer has haemorrhaged financial support through lost donations and wasting party funds, so others are having to stump up the cash. Its bad enough when rich people buy politicians via donations normally, but a guy like Gary Lubner purchasing politicians with his alleged track record? I will reiterate Lubner denies being pro-apartheid, claims to have been bringing it down from the inside, but his company through the apartheid years were not and that same company over the last 20 odd years of him being their CEO – he has recently stepped down incidentally - but has continued to fund Israel, another apartheid regime. That’s not funny at all and it makes the denials appear weak. As somebody living through and meting out justice if you can call it that during the time of South African apartheid, for somebody claiming to have been secretly working to bring it down, you expect this guy to know apartheid as well as anyone can when they see it, yet still they fund Israel and that couldn’t be clearer when you look at the next generation, as Gary Lubner’s son Jack is a campaigner against BDS, he interned for the dreadful former Labour MP Ruth Smeeth and has been part of the recent smears against pro Palestinian rapper Lowkey. Both Lubners have been scathing in their opinions of Jeremy Corbyn too, perpetuating the drivel that pro-Israel factions have spread about him and continue to. Starmer is utterly reliant on private donors to get him into office, for Labour to even be able to afford to mount an election campaign, so it should come as no surprise they’ve no qualms about where they come from and after you’ve liked, shared and subscribed to keep abreast of all developments of stinky behaviour behind the scenes of Starmer’s Red Tories and Sunak’s blue ones alike, you can watch this recommendation here amongst hundreds of videos available, concerning another donor to Labour, far more mysterious, a company with no phone number, no website and not even an office, so who the heck are they? And I’ll catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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