Learn a New Palabra Every Week

Learn a New Palabra Every Week

Apr 24, 2023

This year I started writing emails more often on my newsletter ✉️

I started with one email a week. Describing the new content available to learn Spanish on Latin ELE.

I have stuck to that goal, for now. That was my new year resolution 🍾

Sometimes it's hard to keep up. You look at a blank page and don't know what to say. It was the same feeling when I started doing the podcast: being in front of a microphone and not finding the words.

What can I write about?... 🤔

Then I remember I've created more than 100 podcast episodes. And listeners often miss on some great previous content. So the newsletter is also a way to highlight relevant information they can find on my podcasts.

I continue to write and write...

As we say in Spanish "La práctica hace al maestro" (practice makes perfect)

Many people don't commit to their goals. They don't persevere and fail...

(That's also true for language learning. I've seen it many times)

Who knows? Maybe I'll do it so much that I end up writing a novel in the future and become the new Stephen King, but in versión latina.

📨 So in case you didn't know, you can get Latin ELE updates in your inbox by subscribing to my newsletter.

You'll get noticias 🗞️ about new videos/podcasts, courses I've created, and stories from a Spanish teacher from South America. Some silly, some very educational...But hey! En la variedad está el gusto.

Subscribe here


Every Monday you get a word of the week. A section where you'll palabras en contexto.

If you haven't subscribed yet. This year you've missed 16 word explanations. And every week you're not on my newsletter, you continue to miss a new word 😱

If you're NOT interested, that's fine. I know not everybody is into reading newsletters.

But if you are, here is the link so you can get all my best updates to put your español in turbo mode 🚀

Subscribe here

¡Hasta pronto!


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