Résumés in Spanish (Spanish for Business ...

Résumés in Spanish (Spanish for Business) 💵

Feb 06, 2023

📝 Crafting the perfect résumé is not an easy task. Imagine doing it in Spanish! 🤯

What are some important considerations when writing a "hoja de vida" en español? That's the topic of our latest episode of our podcast Español para Negocios.

On this occasion, our guest is Luz Meza, a Mexican teacher and academic coordinator of the language institute Future Business Learning.

Luz specializes in recruiting and interviewing applicants from across the globe, and she has all sorts of exciting tips to share with us on this topic.

This is the last episode of this helpful podcast. Ten shows is the perfect amount to equip you with plenty of helpful knowledge. It's been a pleasure producing this series, and we hope you found it informative!

🎧 You can get ALL TRANSCRIPTS + our course WRITE BUSINESS EMAILS IN SPANISH in the following link

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