Thoughts on feeling like shit

Thoughts on feeling like shit

May 24, 2022

It's how I feel at this very moment. I find myself needing to beg for help. I don't want to. The words are stuck inside me, fighting me tooth and nail, digging desperate heels in... the problem is that my desperation is stronger than the desperation of my pride. I'd honestly rather eat glass... the idea of it seems far more appealing.

You see, I am, probably unsurprisingly, in need of help once again. I am down to little enough money that any one purchase will have a massive effect. I feel like I need to keep what I have in order to buy animal food. It's important that they be able to eat.

I'm really just trying to stay afloat until I can finish my book. I had an emotional day yesterday. Today, I feel drained and lifeless, probably the only reason I'm able to ask for help. I know I have asked before, and you've all been so generous in helping. I have no right to ask again. I have no desire to ask again. I feel a bit like a feral animal caught in a trap, twisting and turning and gnashing its teeth trying to escape, growing tired and despondent.

My head is pounding. I will just ask that if you can help, please send it to my PayPal...

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