Why eat a homemade meal when you are ins ...

Why eat a homemade meal when you are insulin resistant?

Jan 02, 2022

🍲Why eat a homemade meal when you are insulin resistant?

1- You control what you eat and how much of every nutrient you eat;

2- You can balance your meals accordingly to your needs;

3- You choose the type of ingredients.

When you buy food, always prefer whole foods and always read the label which is always divided in two parts: the nutritional values, and the ingredients used. These two parts go hand in hand. Total or net carbs don't say anything without the ingredients used. In this diet we are interested in total carbs, not other types to assess the glycemic load. The glycemic index of the food is given by the ingredients. Example: a potato boiled in shell, unshelled and mashed as pure has a lower glycemic index (medium glycemic index) than instant potato puree (high glycemic index). 

By making your own food you avoid insulin resistance ingredients like:

  • Refined oils;

  • Refined carbs;

  • Artificial sweeteners;

  • Bad preservatives;

  • Food high in palmitic fatty acids;

  • Food without enough fiber


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