Been A While...

Feb 05, 2020

So since Patreon really only works for me in the monthly format, and I desperately need cash to pay off two years of credit card debt and eventually see a dentist, I've decided to come slinking back to this beautiful little site. When I first signed up, the site was relatively small and now it seems to be a lot more full featured and perhaps an even better fit than Patreon, but only time will tell.

Anyway, if you're looking to help my longtime girlfriend and I make some quick cash so we can pay down our cards, get medical help, pay bills etc then this is the place to do it. I'll be posting stuff here, and maybe even eventually begin to get into the habit of making special posts that only Members can see, if this goes well enough. I'm thinking down the road that perhaps I'll share rough drafts of new novels, comic work, early videos, etc.

So yeah, them's the brakes, kiddos. Please find it in your heart to help us out and let me make art for a living like I've always been trying to.

Thanks guys! Love you, I guess, if you wanna get all mooshy about it and stuff.

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