The #artistatbreakfast challenge on Inst ...

The #artistatbreakfast challenge on Instagram

Feb 16, 2021

... that I am doing alone, because nobody joined so far...

Almost 2 weeks ago I had a chat with Susanne, an Austrian illustrator who is setting up her first course to find your style in illustration. We talked about my style, whether I think it's accomplished or needs improvement, what can I do to get better and the importance of practicing a bit every day. We agreed in recognising that the pandemic and lockdown have left us a little uninspired and demotivated. It's hard to find inspiration for new art when your social life relies only upon internet and the shop assistant in the nearby market...

During our chat Susanne suggested me to sketch my breakfast as a daily practice for a certain period. I loved the idea, and I started the very next day. Unfortunately, she had to give up after a couple of days because she's very busy with her course, but none of our followers joined either, and this is a bit disappointing. OK, I don't have a huge following and visibility, perhaps the challenge wasn't promoted or interesting enough, but what makes a challenge go viral? Or at least not being ignored and deserted like mine?

I'll let it sink for you to think about it and answer. I've made a collage of my sketches so far. Here's the first week from the 5th to the 11th of February:

This one instead is the second week from the 12th to the 15th:

If you want to know more about Susanne and her course to find your illustration style, here's the link to her Instagram profile. Click on the link in bio to fill up a form with a few questions, then she will contact you for a chat. You could also send her a message or comment under her posts.

Have a good week!

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