How to Use a Theme

How to Use a Theme

Mar 16, 2022

What is a theme and how is it helpful for you as a writer?

A theme is an abstract concept that you explore in your narrative through character growth, behaviors, interactions, events, outcomes, ending etc.

A theme isn't always obvious to the reader, but as a writer, it can help guide you in choosing cohesive content for your plot points and character growth. It can also assist you in choosing a relevant ending that lands the hardest punch.

Themes are particularly useful for writing short stories, because it helps you craft your story with the definitive arc that online magazines are seeking, and will distinguish it from "vignettes" that are often rejected.

An example of strong theme is something like "power of forgiveness", or "the tragic nature of unconditional love", or "what goes around comes around". These are just a few examples to give you an idea.

You want your theme to be abstract, but not too vague. For example, "forgiveness" or "love", while helpful starting places, are a bit too vague to be really useful.

A quick google search will pull up lots of lists for different kinds of themes, so feel free to explore them and see which ones call to you the most, and then start crafting your story.

Here is a video breaking this down a bit further. I hope you find this helpful!

Happy Writing!


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