Icespire Hold (Dragon of Icespire Peak)

Icespire Hold (Dragon of Icespire Peak)

Aug 23, 2023

Icespire Hold is a stone fortress perched on the icy northeast spur of Icespire Peak. When Cryovain decided to take it for a lair, it stormed the fortress through the crumbled southwest section and ate several orcs before settling on the roof.

Recently, evil mercenaries calling themselves the Stone-Cold Reavers infiltrated the gatehouse and escaped Cryovain’s notice. They assume that the dragon has amassed a hoard and hidden it in the fortress.

Another set of printable maps for the Dragon of Icespire Peak, this time for the adventure's finale: Icespire Hold! These maps provide clean versions of the gatehouse, the fortress, the rooftop, and the hidden undercroft.

This pack contains versions of each map for the DM, Player and Cartographer. The Cartographer's maps are mostly blank, and are intended for the player who likes to draw the location's layout according to their DM's description.

As an extra bonus the pack contains a table-scale version of the entire location, similar to my rendition of the Redbrand Hideout. Each room can be cut out individually and placed on the table as your players explore.

Download the maps for free:

Some things to note

  • Each room and corridor is drawn separately on A4 sheets at a scale of one inch for every grid square, so its ideal for combining with your miniature collection.

  • The room numbers are all oriented to look correct from the same viewpoint (i.e. the north-to-south vertical). If any numbers are at odd angles on the table, it means the room needs rotating.

  • The sections are designed to overlap each other slightly. This is to assist with lining them up and help you understand how they are placed.

  • Secret doors are printed separately from the walls and floors. Place these on the table when your party discovers them.

  • You might want to glue the paper to some cardstock. This will make them more durable and less likely to be disturbed by wandering miniatures!

How it looks on the table

Here are some images of the cut-out map in use with some of my miniatures, exploring the guardhouse and rooftop to confront the dreaded Cardboard Cryovain!

Download the maps for free:

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This map is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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