Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.4.2

Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.4.2

Oct 25, 2020

Change log

  • [Changed] Updated the handling of macros. The built-in macros are now functions in the system, and I moved the icons around. This way, future updates to the macros are reflected without the need re-import. For this update, please re-import the macros one last time.

  • [Changed] Actors now also have new default icons.

  • [Changed] Some cleaning up in the template.json. I needed to change the Interaction Level of Companions. You need to re-enter the interaction level of existing companions because of that.

  • [Fixed] Drag & Drop of items now works from the character sheet to the sidebar, as well as vice versa. Dragging an item to the macro creates a quick roll macro for that item.

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