Chris Nevard
235 supporters
Gone all ‘Titfield’

Gone all ‘Titfield’

Nov 04, 2023

Saturday morning down on the docks. And it looks like everyone has gone Titfield Thunderbolt mad. The little people have even managed to put a train together much like the one in the celebrated film.

Barry Bullhead and Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe are keen to sell their illicit booze on the train which has a fully fitted bar, so here they are striking a deal with Colin who is a bit of a pushover. Sorted.

Deliberation Dave is eyeing up the wonderful paint job on the coach, the fetching colours being in the half price sale at Brian & Quentin’s Hardware in Bridgwater, locally known as ‘B&Q’.

And finally Hubert the conversational Latin speaking horse has been promised a ride in the brakevan. And if he clenches tightly, he should just about be able to get through the door and enjoy the journey from the veranda as he mutters “Utinam spatium mihi habeas, stricta tene, ego ingredior!”


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