Full-day anxiety

Dec 13, 2021

This is more of the question post.

How do you deal with the whole anxious day?
Today is the day and the anxiety is present due to me losing the study overview, having the due days on the horizon. Plus the things I was writing about in the two previous posts.

But no matter what is the day, when it happens, it is possible to find some crucial problems in every single aspect of life and tell yourself a story about how terrible your life is (even when it is not).

How does the day feel like?
Physically: cold hands and feet, feeling cold even if the environment is warm, shaking hands, pounding heart, not rhythmical breath and kind of a nausea feeling, might be stomach/backache appearing throughout the day.

Mentally: being worried, distracted, not able to focus, overthinking, overall sadness about the world (depressive thoughts appearing one after another), trouble in making decisions and understanding own feelings; might appear trouble in communication with people (especially due to the ease of being annoyed this day), especially on a professional, non-friends level. Feeling of a disappointment for a reason that there is usually a wish that by the end of the day something beautiful will happen to balance the disturbance out. Constant self doubt.

And these all symptoms continue to be present through the whole day.

The most important thing at this point is not to believe this day.

Let's treat it as one of the movie genres, which is not the favourite one, but it happened to be on our tv. We are trying to change the channel, but even if we found the remote control, we can not change the program just yet.

It is a difficult task, but till right now we survived all of the days like this, so we are doing great, guys. It is okay not to feel ok.
It will pass, same as all kinds of emotions pass, it will change, same as all things are changed by time.

Keep calm and take care.

You are the most important thing for yourself and you know what this 'you' needs.

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