1 week today!!!

Nov 10, 2021

We have been here now for 1 week today. 

The weather is so different from the UK, it is unbelievably hot for one thing and we haven't quite climatized to the heat yet. My hair has developed a wavy form that I didn’t know it had, and don’t even think about using straighteners as that beautiful straight hair will last all of 10 minutes here before it’s back to a wavy slightly curly disaster!! 

It is lovely here, the people are all so friendly, strangers will say hello to you in the street and make conversation. They like to use foreigners like us to practice their English on. Many of the Thai people here in Phuket speak good English, a lot better than my Thai of which I am ashamed that I can only mumble a few broken words like hello, goodbye and thank you. I also know ‘very good’ which is handy to say to the people who have spent time making you some beautiful food. 

Speaking of the food here, it is wonderful, freshly made, lots of fruit and veg so it is super good for your diet. I mean I am missing things like a Sunday roast or good old North Eastern Panack! But you can get some English classics here as well as the spicy food that is usually served here in Thailand. 

We did extend our stay here in Phuket for a few more days. We plan to leave our hotel on Saturday and then fly up to Chiang Mai for a week. We have made some wonderful friends along our blogging journey and plan to meet up with a couple in Chiang Mai. 

Living our best life and loving it S&JP NowBoardingVlog xx 

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