Shiver on the River

Shiver on the River

Oct 08, 2023

This coming January will see Astoria's first horror film fest! When the sun sets at 5PM after a day full of grey clouds and pouring rain, it's the perfect environment for 3 nights of horror.

WHAT: Shiver on the River, a 3-day indie horror film festival

WHEN: January 19th - 21st

WHERE: The Columbian Theatre, 1102 Marine Dr. Astoria, OR.

Selections have already been made and are being released on the festival's IG. You can expect to see several local films, as well as a few international entries.

I was also lucky enough to be able to help out with the official festival poster, can't wait to see this go up in the theatre! Keep an eye out on Odd Monster's IG for news about stickers, flyers, and maybe some shirts with the artwork as well. Have a look below for my drawing process:

Initial Thumbnails:


This illustration was a bit different, as I wasn't quite set on the final composition, but I knew all the "pieces" I wanted to include, so I drew each one separately and then combined them in Photoshop later on.

Assembling the Sketch


Typography always takes me the longest. I really wanted the text to feel integrated on this design, and not an afterthought.

Final Composition

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