I am so excited about the future.

I am so excited about the future.

Apr 23, 2023

Awesome day today. It was the final day of MSOPI.

MSOPI - Multiple Streams of Property Income

It was a 3-day event where I learned about several property investment strategies.

The speakers were amazing and I even had the opportunity to listen to Rob Moore and Mark Homer, the founders of Progressive Property.

It was a roller coaster of emotions and feelings:





But in summary, it was a wake-up call and a door to a whole new world of opportunities.

Some names I don't want to forget:

Kevin Poneskis - The Serviced Accommodation Expert

Kevin McDonnell - The Creative Property Investor

Katy Wilson - Successful Deal Packager

Toni Gargan - The Join Ventures Warrior

Dan Eaton - Commercial Conversions on Steroids

Anne Houlton - BTLs & BRRR Awesomeness

If you haven't followed them on social media or attended to their curses, do yourself a favour and make that a priority.

The amount of knowledge they're prepared to share almost for free is unbelievable.

I am so excited about the future.

David O.


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