Massive discussion with idiotic buyer...

Massive discussion with idiotic buyer...

Jul 03, 2021

The buyer changed a lot of scenes, some few scenes are like I edited them.

There was a massive discussion because first, he wanted one thing (for example: remove the sound of all his clips if it does not fit with the background music) then a few days later he wanted something else (Here: all the sound back and in the video). In the end, he said it was totally my fault, because of my bad workflow, etc. I think it was very disrespectful but in the end, it is not my problem anymore. Lost a returning buyer but I think he is not worth it. Take a look for yourself.

Feel free to dislike his video or if you still like it, feel also free to like it. I do not really care. Like I said it was trash what he did but not my problem.

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