Early Morning (I need coffee)

Early Morning (I need coffee)

Aug 28, 2020

If anyone had told me how much time I would spend on non-writing things as an author, I would have thought you mad.

It's true, an author would love nothing more than to just spend time writing and the leave the rest to someone else. The really famous authors actually have a staff and publishers who deal with things like marketing, appearances and other things.

But, I don't have any of those things.

I just read a book by Steve Brown called, "The Golden Toilet" and the premise is that we are all told how much money we invest in the wrong end of our own businesses. In reality, we should spend more time on the non-costing end of our business.

Plenty of free tools out there to help make your business a success and that is something that has changed dramatically in the last few years. You no longer need a really fancy website. You do need a website, but not something you are dumping tons of money in. It really won't matter in the long term.

-Bryan the Writer

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