Good Friday.

Apr 15, 2022

Three people today gave me the most precious of all the gifts. They gave me the gift of time. 

I thought I could do junior members of the family and their special guests with the red mare this morning, get back, tidy the whole house for the senior member of the family, who is coming for dinner, buy flowers, arrange flowers, cook chicken, make special green sauce, and fit in three clients. 

Dear Reader, I couldn’t.

So I sent out faintly harried messages of SOS and everyone said - not a trouble, of course we can move to Monday, have a lovely evening.

The gift of time.

And the kindness too. Not a word of reproach. 

So the house looks heavenly and I am listening to the songs which are my old friends (from a mix tape I made in the early 1990s) and I have a moment to sit and type these words whilst the chicken sends out its glorious aroma. The beans are ready; the roast vegetables just need warming up; the tiny new potatoes are waiting. 

We were going to be abstemious and not drink, because the guest and I are both on regimes for health. But then he rang up and said, ‘I do have a rather nice bottle of white wine…’

There will be wine!

So many gifts. So much gratitude.

Happy Good Friday, you dear Dear Readers. I hope you too have gifts, and love, and a nice glass of something delicious.

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