5 reasons why you should establish your ...

5 reasons why you should establish your creative identity as a writer

Apr 18, 2022

Something that very few writers talk about is personal branding. Perhaps it’s because they’re so focused on the writing and getting an agent that they leave their own branding on the backburner. Whilst new entrepreneurs opt for procrasti-branding (the art of spending way too much time on their brand colours and how their Instagram feed looks), writers spend their time procrasti-planning (the art of avoiding writing by planning out what Versace decor will be in the protagonist’s house).

Today I’m going to be giving you 5 reasons (or excuses) to procrasti-plan that will help you as a writer to get the attention of readers, agents, publishers and any other company or entity that would be keen to share your work.

Spend a moment now thinking about your favourite musical artist.

Have a think about their brand.

What colours do you associate with them?

What themes do they regularly talk about?

What makes them recognisable?

Whether you like it or not, curating your identity is ESSENTIAL if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Now before you start getting all rowdy and say that you want to be authentically messy and you don’t want to curate anything…congratulations, your authentically messy is your curated brand.

Your branding is what makes you, you.

It’s what makes YOU stand out from the crowd.

And yes, I have just jumped into the first point on why you need to find your creative identity as a writer.
So let’s go deeper, shall we?

1. It makes you stand out from the crowd 

As I said before, it’s what makes you stand out from the crowd. It gives you an identity and a way of saying ‘I’m here, I’m unique, & that’s why you need to read my books). In a world where people try to replicate others, standing out and being you is actually a lot easier than you think it is.

2. It creates connection.

It helps your audience find you. Your identity helps to build rapport with readers so they want to support you. They trust you because you put into words how they feel. It’s like that saying: people don’t always remember what you do or say, but they remember how you make them feel. It’s the same thing with writers. Your work can be someone’s sunshine on a gloomy day. It could be what prompts them to change their life. It could be what saves them. Your work is healing and people want more of it. Financially speaking, that trust allows people to trust you with their money too. More trust = more books bought= more money to you, your team & everyone involved in the process. Especially now more than ever, people want connection and your work, your brand, what you share gives them just that.

3. Helps you with your writing

On a more personal level, your brand provides structure to your art. Now before you freak out that you’re stuck in the one ‘identity’ forever, breathe. Relax. That’s not true. Your brand is a general overview of what you do- it guides you rather than limits you. For example, my branding includes a lot of Croatia & south-Eastern Europe because that’s what I focus on that region significantly in my writing. When it comes to your brand values and your mission, it could be the kick up the butt you need to get back into focus.

4. Agents, publishers & beyond love brands 

Back to a more financial side (i.e the side that has apparently become taboo), PEOPLE LOVE BRANDS. Brands sell. You have a brand that’s identifiable with a large flurry of followers on social media and you’re going to get some super excited publishers and co. Brands tell a story- YOUR STORY- and people love stories, don’t they? It creates more of an emotional connection & draws people in. It’s easier to market and when something is easier to market, you’re more likely to bring in more cash monies as well.

5. Creates you more opportunities

Your creative identity creates more opportunities because people know what’s next for you. They know what you stand for and what to expect from you. If you want to create multiple streams of income as a writer, your creative identity is pivotal in creating these opportunities. Because you have a clear branded identity as a creative, it’s easier for people to reach out for endorsements, speaking opportunities and collaborations.

I’ll be honest: I never put much thought into my branding as a writer until recently. It’s totally okay if it hadn’t crossed your mind either.

And it’s even more okay if you’re feeling slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to figure out your creative identity too- especially if you’re not exactly proficient in the art of branding.

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