5 Fun Summer Writing Ideas

5 Fun Summer Writing Ideas

Oct 07, 2020

During summer, kids can lose a lot of skills just by lack of use. Coming up with some fun summer writing ideas can stop that from happening. Finding excuses to report on certain events, take pictures or create movies helps your child engage more in his surroundings. What better way to encourage more writing.

Movie Review

Summer is the time when Hollywood rolls out the stops and brings out all kinds of movies. Movies are a great way to engage and stimulate a child's imagination. What better way to share that excitement than with a movie review, preferably about a movie she likes. The best time to write it is right after the movie is over, while it's fresh in her mind. Once it's written, you can encourage her to make a speech of introduction to the family.

Keep a Summer JournalBlog

With the prevalence of blogs, hardly anyone uses an actual journal anymore. Whatever medium you choose, this summer writing idea definitely would work. As your child embarks on summer vacation, why not encourage him to blog about his adventure? It's a rolling record of summer vacation and helps him to keep in touch with family and friends. It's also a good reference should his teacher ask him to recount certain summer events.

Conduct an Interview

Did your family meet someone interesting or famous? Ask him or her for an interview. Once you've got the interviewees OK, encourage your intrepid reporter to come up with questions to ask. You can video the interaction and share it on the blog or on you social media page. Either way it's a unique summer writing idea that will have friends and family smiling.

Vacation Photo Essay

Taking vacation photos is a tradition that will not change no matter how digital things get. What you can do is create a photo essay of summer vacation. Once it's compile you can help him come create a video of it. Come up with the voice over dialog and insert it in the video. When the teacher asks for show-and-tell, it will be ready for presentation.

Write a Recipe

If you've got a little chef in the making, having her create or recreate her favorite recipe. Cooking shows abound and for some kids, it's not only tasty but fun to be in the kitchen. Come up with your ingredients list together. Then take a trek to the supermarket. Once you've got your ingredients, give it a try. While it may not come out perfectly the first time, there's always room for a second try.

Write About a Special Event

Summer is usually one of the most exciting and active times. People are headed to the beach on the road or on some adventure. This is a great opportunity for your child to write about some special event that took place over the summer. It doesn't necessarily have to happen directly to them. It could be reaction to an event or a family member.

Coming up with summer writing ideas isn't hard. It's about looking around and finding opportunities for paper writer to express himself. Combining different types of media makes writing seem even more fun. Allowing children to be decision-makers and to take initiative boosts confidence. There are so many reasons to encourage children to write more.

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