Listening to High Tempo Music During Exe ...

Listening to High Tempo Music During Exercise Can Distract You

May 06, 2022

A new study from Italy found that listening to high tempo music during exercise can distract you and make your workouts seem less challenging, ultimately making them more beneficial. Music has been shown to have profound effects on the mind and body: it can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and even help you to get better sleep after working out! But sometimes when you’re exercising, you may find yourself too distracted by the lyrics of your favourite song to concentrate on what you’re doing at the time—not exactly ideal if you’re trying to push yourself harder or break through that plateau!

High tempo music makes fast-paced activities feel easier

Listening to upbeat music can make fast-paced activities feel easier by distracting you from your exertion. A study from Italy found that listening to high tempo music during exercise can distract you and make your workouts seem less challenging, ultimately making them more beneficial. As a result, listening to high tempo music at vigorous intensities for longer periods can lower perceived effort.

Explaining how it works

Listening to music can help a workout feel easier and ultimately benefit your body. Since it provides a distraction, your brain thinks you’re exercising less than you are. It releases endorphins and dopamine, which are feel-good chemicals that help regulate our moods and stress levels. They even make you more tolerant of physical pain.

What does this mean for my workout?

While listening to music has many benefits, it could also have unintended consequences when it comes to exercise. Studies have shown that athletes who listen to music during training can keep a better pace, which can lead them to complete their workouts faster. However, one study found that participants who listened to fast-tempo music while they were exercising were distracted by their thoughts and found their workouts easier—they didn’t push themselves as hard as those who trained in silence.

How do I pick the right playlist?

A new study from Italy found that listening to high tempo music during exercise can distract you and make your workouts seem less challenging, ultimately making them more beneficial. Music has been shown to have profound effects on the mind and body: it releases endorphins, can increase endurance by up to 15%, and even helps manage pain during a workout. As far as choosing a playlist goes, opt for upbeat tunes; studies show that faster tempos can help with speedier times.

5 Song Playlist - Boost Running Energy

There’s nothing better than a good playlist to keep you going during a run. Whether you’re running or biking outdoors, or putting in time on an elliptical machine at your gym, consider following up your playlist with one of these killer track selections.

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