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A big update...

A big update...

May 17, 2022

I've been a bit quieter on Imgur lately. That's because I've been incredibly busy.

What with?

A book. Yep, I've been asked to help write a book. It's tremendously exciting and has really REALLY pushed me, but it's been awesome to be part of. And I hope it will kick ass.

The subject matter? Hard to explain... Everything? Everything that's going wrong right now; the whole world and all its issues and looking at them I hope, in a new way. A genuinely new way. One that changes the way we could approach things.

That's the plan anyway.

It's been a joy to work on. So much research. Like dudes... So much. It's why I ended up starting to read big UN briefing documents. And discovering overlooked little parts of the UN folks never knew even existed.

Now the book isn't all me. It's me and another guy (whose very smart and very awesome to work with), and I'm not doing as much on Imgur as I have to do this (hence why the History of London posts stopped). But it's getting there.

Will update y'all more in the future. Thank you for your contributions and help. It's made this all possible. I am a very humbled little person. I suppose that's why I'm telling you about this. It's a small way to show not just my gratitude but also how you have honestly changed my life.

The community of support has given me confidence I never had before, and the contributions have enabled me to focus on this. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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