May 27, 2022

Grace for Riches


Riches and The Beautiful Life is your right as a child of God and yours to have and enjoy now and always.

The Lord is the source and the Giver of all good things including extreme riches.

The ideas, ability, wisdom, knowledge, capacity, opportunities and Grace for us to receive and enjoy riches, comes from The Lord.

As a child of God you are a citizen of The Kingdom of God  and a heir of the riches of the Kingdom.

Through The Blessing of The Lord and The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ you can now receive and enjoy extreme riches.


No matter where you are at the moment financially, you can change your level and get more by setting a new desired financial goal, asking The Lord in prayer, and taking inspired steps.

After asking in prayer, believe that you have received, Declare that you have received,

And then with Joy and Gratitude expect the physical manifestation, knowing it is settled and it’s yours already.

Don’t be concerned about how it will manifest, listen inward, for an idea and a strategy from The Holy Spirit.  Also  note that The Lord can also do it for you miraculously or any other way.

Always be conscious that The Lord is moving people, circumstances and events to supply to you Riches and the Good things of life in a way that surpasses your desire, want or request.


To receive Riches and to increase in Riches, you have to renew your mind with The Scriptures concerning the promises of God to you for Riches, Abundance and The Beautiful life.

Always know this: that as a child of God, you are very rich already.

You have  to see yourself as already being very Rich and think as already being very Rich

To receive, enjoy and stay in Riches, you have to think  Abundance and think that Riches is yours always.

Never talk  or focus on lack,  Focus on overflow because The Lord has anointed you for Abundance.

Always  Think , Talk and Rejoice like you already have it because All things are yours already.

Never  focus on bills,  Focus on Abundant  Money and  abundant Provision  from The Lord always.

Refuse Negative thoughts and feelings of lack but fill your heart with the thoughts and the Joy that you are born and blessed to live in abundance Now and Always.



Now here is a verse in the Scriptures about Grace for Riches

2Corinthians 8:9says:


for ye know The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.

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