Advocate For Your Healthcare

Advocate For Your Healthcare

Jun 18, 2022

Advocate for Your Healthcare 

June 18, 2022

It pains me to admit this, but the American healthcare system can be unfair to people at times. Insurance will only cover certain expenses for lab testing and procedures and it may only be a small portion of exorbitant fees. Sometimes even the doctors are unresponsive to your needs and can give you the runaround concerning your care. Sadly, many health practitioners dismiss the health concerns of those in their care. That is why it is of the utmost importance to advocate for yourself and your loved ones to have adequate healthcare. 

When seeking medical intervention from a physician or medical specialist, it is imperative to ask three important questions.

  1. What is my diagnosis and what are my treatment options?

  2. Are there any risks and/or side effects associated with symptom management?

  3. What is the expected duration to my course of treatment?

In addition to asking your healthcare provider those questions, be prepared before you go to your doctor’s appointment. Research your health conditions and consider viewing health care forums to see how others have dealt with your health condition. Preparation will allow you to be a participant in your care rather than allowing the doctor to make choices for you without your input. Keep these seven tips in mind when seeking to advocate for yourself or a loved one for adequate and appropriate care.

  1. Keep a journal to chronicle your symptoms and/or pain in between doctor visits. 

  2. Keep a notebook of previous doctors you received care from so that your current medical specialist can request your medical records from those doctors.

  3. If you feel as if your doctor is not adequately addressing your concerns or if your symptoms or concerns are being dismissed, find another doctor.

  4. Never be pressured into accepting treatment that you do not want.

  5. Get a second opinion to review all treatment options.

  6. Have a support system in place to help you through your medical treatment if you are incapacitated due to a procedure or medication. Having a support system is especially important if medical treatments are negatively affecting your mental and emotional health.

  7. Be prepared to issue a formal complaint against any physician for maltreatment of any kind.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a good foundation to build upon as you pursue health and wellness. Whether having a baby is your goal or not, it is important to pursue overall health in the most efficient manner possible.

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