🛤 Road Opener 🛤

🛤 Road Opener 🛤

Oct 31, 2020

🛤 Road Opener Oil

Open doors create new opportunities. Along with uncrossing, road opening is one of the most versatile kinds of magickal spells. There are few problems that can’t be lessened by a good road opening ritual.Unlucky in love? Open a road. Bored at work? Open a road. Broke? Sad? Stuck? Wish you could just catch a break? Open a road, and be ready for what new vistas you will encounter.

🛤 How to use Road Opener Oil

Road Opener Oil belongs in any spell for a new beginning. Put it on job or loan applications. Anoint your shoes, your car, tools of your trade—whatever object will (literally or figuratively) move you to the next place in life.

🛤 What’s in Road Opener Oil:

Road Opener Oils are usually blended from scents that are fresh and clean. Solar essences like Orange and Lemon lend intense positive energy. Verbena or Sandalwood raises the spiritual vibration of the mix. Latin American recipes always include a sliver of Abre Camino (a native root whose name literally means “road opener”). Other formulas include a pinch of Five Finger Grass (Cinquefoil) for the five blessings of health, money, love, power, and wisdom.

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