John Wozniak
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Welcome to ESG Nerd | Our journey to a s ...

Welcome to ESG Nerd | Our journey to a sustainable future

Jul 30, 2022

Welcome to ESG Nerd. I'm John Wozniak, a sustainability professional. You may be wondering what a sustainability professional is, and what the sustainability framework ESG is? Caveat, I am not a tree-hugger or words to that effect. I care about our environment and future generations, and I make sustainable decisions where I can, and YES, I too, can do better. Simply, ESG is an acronym for Environment, Social and Governance;

  • Environment - the finite resources we compete for, contribute to, and in many cases, destroy.

  • Social - Human rights, worker rights, worker safety, education.

  • Governance - Policy, compliance, risk management.

Sustainability goes way beyond recycling, and avoiding single use plastics. It means different things to different people. According to a recent article in The Economist, ESG won't save the planet, to do that, we must reduce emissions. There's not much to argue about with that statement.

ESG won't save the planet, to do that, we must reduce emissions. The Economist.

As a sustainability professional, my aim is to promote awareness - there are a lot of great things happening, and there are a lot of bad things happening around the planet. Caveat 2, I don't receive sponsorship and I am not affiliated to any organisations, manufacturers or charities. However, (I dislike that word) I won't be shy in promoting the good work of those striving for sustainable cause, whether it be Net Zero, reduction schemes or ocean clean ups.

I have no idea how successful ESG Nerd will be, or whether or not it will have an impact. I know that I have two options, to sit and complain about the lack of compassion for the environment, or to do something about it. For every person who is picking up litter, changing their behaviour for a positive impact, there are probably a dozen nay sayers who couldn't give a damn about whether or not our forests are eradicated, or whether our sea turtles are wrapped in plastic.

Image by Cédric Frixon - Unsplash

💡 Did you know? In 2018, approximately 1.5 million volunteers came together to plant 66 million trees in India. That's a colossal effort, and I'd like to see more of the same. 🌳

You can engage with me on social media and you can buy me a coffee, by making a donation. 50% of all my donations will go to 4ocean, one of several incredible organisations cleaning up the garbage from our oceans and water ways.

It's 2022, and it's time to get serious about ESG. Thank you for reading ESG Nerd - please share this page and follow me on twitter @ESGNerd. 🌎

John Wozniak

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