Building a resource

Building a resource

Aug 24, 2022

I started proofreading academic papers written by non-native English speakers in 2006. It didn't take long for me to notice that authors tended to make similar mistakes, which included:

  • inconsistent terminology,

  • incorrect use of certain words,

  • confusing sentence structures (which made sense in Chinese), and

  • unclear comparisons.

To catalog these mistakes, I started writing a book in 2013. After some initial progress, I got busy with other work and stopped working on the book.

In 2021, I decided to convert the finished parts of the book into a video course. After a lot of work on the course, I realized that video is not the correct format for a guide on academic writing.

AcademicProof ( is my third attempt to build a resource for researchers who are non-native English speakers. My goal is to create a completely free site that will help you avoid making the most common mistakes that I have come across in the thousands of papers that I have checked.

The site will include general advice, descriptions of common mistakes, advice for specific sections of a manuscript, and tips for dealing with reviewer comments. I hope to add more sections based on feedback from readers.

I currently work on AcademicProof in my free time. If you find value in the site, considering supporting the site through a one-time donation or a membership. This funding lets me take time off to work on the site.

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