The Tech Prepper
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The Tech Prepper Manpack Bag - Prototype

The Tech Prepper Manpack Bag - Prototype

Sep 17, 2022

Happy Saturday, All

The latest manpack design is looking good and about 95% complete. There are just a few tweaks, so you will not be waiting too much longer if you've expressed interest in the bag.

Here's a short video with an early preview along with some logistics.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support of the channel, the manpack bag concept and EmComm Tools. Once this bag is out the door, I'll get back to EmComm Tools development.

I also just kicked off the "No Random Contacts" series. Based on the comments so far, it looks like I need to get my GMRS license. It's going to happen as I just purchased the Wouxun KG-1000G. More on this next month.

"Be strong, be safe and be prepared." -- The Tech Prepper KT1RUN

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