Oh Ryo Meg Flurry

Oh Ryo Meg Flurry

Nov 12, 2020

May I take your order, Madam/Sir?

Oh Ryo Meg Flurry

Serves on a tray

Flurry the white hamster,

Who's also called Yukimi.

No, she's not a gangster,

But a kind villager, you see.

She wears her red folk sweater,

as lovely as a sweet pea.

Dear friends, who's your favourite villager? Kelly @lamwaiching._.318 and I were chatting a few weeks ago and mentioned about Animal Crossing. Our favourite is Flurry! This version's proportion is out; the head is too round and the sweater is too big. Oops...better luck next time! Drinking ketchup to catch up

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