Dart FFI and CLI App

Dart FFI and CLI App

Nov 21, 2020

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/dart-ffi-cli-dart2native/

We will cover briefly about

  1. Using Dart FFI

  2. Fetch login history of a user (macOS)

  3. Create a CLI App

  1. Using Dart FFI

FFI: (Foreign Function Interface) can be used to call the C/C++ language-based APIs

Medium: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/dart-ffi-and-cli-app-8cc5ed2f8aae

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/dart-ffi-cli-dart2native/

DevTo: https://dev.to/aseemwangoo/dart-ffi-and-cli-app-53k5

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