Top 5 Lawn Care Tips for 2021

Top 5 Lawn Care Tips for 2021

Nov 26, 2020

A great-looking lawn requires proper care; it doesn't just happen itself. It takes lots of maintenance to keep your grass healthy and leafy. Luckily, the secrets to great, lush grass are accessible to anyone who wishes to learn how to flourish in their backyard. Put this easy direction into practice all year long. However, if you want to avoid or reduce the hassle, you can go for the professional lawn care services in Sharpsburg, GA.

1. Mulch

Avoid bagging your grass clippings. Instead, mulch them into your lawn, where they'll decompose, enriching nutrients into the land. Message to the wise: If your lawn is filled with weeds, then your clippings will most probably be full of weed seeds. If you don't like to grow new weeds, stick to bagging your clippings until you have your weed situation under control.


2. Aerate


Of course, grass requires sun and water to grow. But it also involves air. That's why it's vital to aerate your lawn if you observe that the soil has become shrunk. Aerating your property, either using a push aerator or a gas-powered aerator (you can borrow one from a gardening store), will let air, water, and the nutrients to sneak into the roots of your turfgrass, allowing it to thrive.


3. Cut High


It may look like an excellent idea to get your lawn a crew cut, so you don't have to mow frequently, but doing so can damage your grass. Don't cut more than one-third of the grass blade at any one session, or you can result in putting stress on your soil, making it more vulnerable to spoil and blight. Moreover, excess height during the sunniest months of the year can assist save your grass from burning.


4.  Water Deeply And Less Often


Stop watering your grass every day, unless it's an arid summer. Regular, shallow watering boosts shallow roots and eventually weakens turfgrass. The most favorable thing to do is to water your lawn deeply and less often. Occasional watering encourages the roots to develop deeper, giving your grass the stability required in hot temperature conditions.


5. Dethatch


Thatch is a dead plant substance that gathers between the grass blades and roots. A little is fine, even beneficial. But too much thatch is a terrible thing. If your grass has a more than three-quarters of an inch thick layer, it's high time to dethatch. This can be conducted with a thatch rake suggested for smaller lawns or a power rake mostly used for more extensive lawns. Discarding that layer of thatch will allow water and air to penetrate the soil, strengthening the spirit of your lawn.

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