Canadian Nurses Foundation Painting

Dec 14, 2020
Do good things, They multiply!

During the first 3 months of Covid-19 pandemic, I painted and sold copies of this coffee-painting. A tribute to nurses and personal care staff on the front-lines, unsure of what would be next. 50% of print sales went to the CNF, 20% to shipping, the rest for us. We only ended up raising about $160.00 for the CNF but I felt good contributing during the pandemic with art! Even if it was just small.  I suppose this was the little "good thing" I did.

8x10 "The Nurse" The nurse examines, focused on her patient. Hundreds of humans are marching to the front-line to get a piece of her. On the left I wanted to show her parents. Who want to see her too, but are unable because of lock-downs. While the nurses bear the weight of the WORLD on their shoulders we all zombie-walk to get a piece of what's left. 

I rarely explain my paintings and I suppose this one needed none. I felt I should lay it out for my exclusive members.

THE OTHER GOOD THINGS. that come after the good thing. 

Not only did this painting receive wonderful feedback and give me a bunch of new customers. My coffee-painting reached an artist in Dubai who was inspired to paint HER OWN study of my work. a near replica! We are now friends. 

How flattering is it to have an artist across the world copy your work?! 

Well just last week I received a letter back from the CNF and am pleased to be sending them their own copies of my painting. Hopefully for public display!

This kind of thing tends to look nice on an artists CV. Being featured in public collections such as the CNF, even if it is just in an office space! I'm honored and excited that something I did just to contribute, has come back to me as an artist in other ways than money :)

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