PODCAST: Happy Lensdays, Pooh

PODCAST: Happy Lensdays, Pooh

Jan 06, 2021

Happy Lensday, kids! That's right. I said Lensday. Photography is what we're going to talk about on Wednesdays! This could be a tip, an opinion, a review if I have something to review, but it's gonna be a talk about photography. Today though, we're going to talk about how Photography and I got together in the first place. Now, I need to make it clear that I'm not a pro. I've been paid for my photography by some very nice people that have asked me to do a couple of things for them, but I'm not a pro in the sense that photography is all I do. If it were, I'd be a photojournalist and still make no money, but I'd love what I do...


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