Blogging is a fun and you must try it to ...

Blogging is a fun and you must try it too

Feb 24, 2021

I must say its been a long time blogging. It feels wonderful calling myself a blogger.

You may ask what would you change if you started over again. I would say just adding a bit more of attention and seriousness to blogging.

Blogging is something that is more than just filling up an online diary. It requires a certain amount of learning.

I would say it is that kind of learning that can be fun. So whether you pursue for an income or just to share some thoughts and ideas. I would say just one thing, 'Start writing'.

This can be a handicap. There are various problems people face. They start thinking about what to write, where to write etc.

I would say if you are starting out. Just begin writing with ideas you like or with topics you know.

Then you could explore Google search to get inspiration for subtopics, this will help you understand what people are looking for.

Once you get the idea. Start sharing your personal opinions on the topic, explore the topic and write what you learnt. Share your insights and any example or personal experiences you have.

Don't forget to mention references and articles people can read. Sharing is caring and people love when you share.

Lastly ask people to share their email addresses. Build a community by sharing emails on a regular basis.

I blog at You could use WordPress, Wix or even Medium to share your blogs.

If you like what I do and want to Support me, you could share my blogs or better still buy me a Coffee!

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